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Monday, January 18, 2010

Counting Up the Cost

We have come a long way from the days of spoons and washboards (Yeah, I just dated myself). Three or more member bands have virtually become the norm in our churches today. From the store-fronts to the stadiums, there is a small margin of distinction, if any, between the high levels of musicianship, skill, and pursuit of perfection and excellence.

This alone provokes a number of thoughts that could be discussed, debated, and/or dealt with at exhaustive lengths. However, this is the one I would like to throw out there for now.

price is being paid in order to attain and maintain the
"killin" church band

or that
"beastin" musician?!

(this goes for singers too)

No, I'm not talking about the money..... YET!

I'm speaking on the compromises churches and pastors make to lure those prize musicians. How many times do church leaders look the other way to keep the crew the showing up? A pastor actually tried to convince me to play for his church by explaining to me how many single women were a part of his congregation! YES, HE WAS SERIOUS!

As the musician, what price do we pay when we choose not to submit ourselves to a ministry that requires a higher biblical standard and, instead, opt for the "don't ask, don't tell" version? I tried it. You know what?!?! Yeah, you already know. It was absolutely INSANE; the stuff I use to get away with!

I know this situation isn't everywhere at every church. What I do know is that it HAS happened, IS happening, and the occurrences ARE increasing at an alarming rate. I'm not even trying to give a sermon on the subject nor change the world. I want to hear what YOU have to say about it!! I want to know.........

Is this really happening the way that i see it,
or is it JUST ME?!

What have YOU witnessed,
or better yet...

What have you

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Los Angeles, CA, United States